Submit New Music

Submit New Music

Are you an artist or band that has new music coming out? Here’s what you need to know to submit new music and get featured on Ottawa Showbox:

  • We only accept new music submissions from the Ottawa/Gatineau region. Please make sure that you consider yourself “based” in this area when submitting.
  • We do post about shorter albums, such as EPs or mixtapes, but we’ll generally only have a listen if it’s four songs or more. No singles please.
  • Please include an album stream or download link to make the new music easier for us to access. Public or private links accepted.
  • If you can provide a background on the record, the recording process, inspiration, sound, etc. it will make it much easier to write about it in context.
  • Please address emails to Matias and/or Eric. Random BCC emails with a press release attached will almost always get overlooked. 
  • If your album contains overtly offensive content, such as anything that has to do with sexually aggressive language, or discriminating against people of colour, other nationalities, homosexuals, people the opposite gender, transgendered people, and other violent language/content, we won’t review your album. Re-think what you’re doing.
  • We can’t post about all music. We have limited resources and have to pick and choose as we see fit. We try to cover all types of music in Ottawa, and do our best to represent artists of all backgrounds and styles.

Please submit all music to music [at]

If we don’t follow up within a week or two, please email us back to ask the progress. We get a lot of emails and some tend to fall through the cracks sometimes, and for that we apologize. Good luck!